Our responsibilities

Our primary focus is driving value growth for the businesses we partner with and our investors. However, we also place significant value on supporting the long term sustainability of that growth. 

We have a dedicated ESG Working Group who meet regularly to oversee our policies and approaches, as well as promoting new initiatives. The Group is led by Andrew Honan, Managing Partner (Infrastructure) and Chair of Sustainable Investing,  and includes our ESG Manager as well as representatives from across our business and international offices, ensuring a “one MML approach”. The Working Group reports directly to our Management Board.

Our ESG Impact Report 2023

We are pleased to share our second annual Impact Report, this time laying out how we have lived by our ESG commitments, supporting ESG progression across our portfolio, building the long-term sustainability of our portfolio growth and delivering value for our investors. We look forward to reporting on further progress in our 2024 Report.

Our ESG Impact Report 2022

We released our inaugural Impact Report for 2022, setting out our ESG commitments ranging from our approach to investing, through to holding ourselves to account in how we operate at MML. We have made a commitment to share annual Reports going forward.

ESG Working Group

Muireann MacAuliffe

Investment Manager

Henry Alty

Investment Director

Brock Birkin

Senior Investor Relations Manager

Charles Devas

Finance Manager

Andrew Honan

Managing Partner (Infrastructure) and Chair of Sustainable Investing

Chandler Kirby

Investment Associate

Charles Le Texier

Investment Manager

Helen Lowe

Investment Director

Lazbart Oseni

Investment Associate

Vicki Smith

ESG Manager

Will Stewart

Investment Director

Jo Weir

Chief Compliance Officer

Our investments

We have been a proud signatory of the UN Principles of Responsible Investment since 2019 and are committed to delivering attractive returns for our investors, in a responsible way.

We became a member of the ESG Data Convergence Initiative in 2023 to help support convergence around meaningful environmental, social, and governance metrics for the private equity industry. We are committed to aligning our ESG data with this important industry-led effort, and support the Initiative’s objective of generating useful, performance-based, comparable ESG data.

We incorporate ESG analysis as part of our rigorous due diligence process, identifying UN Sustainable Development Goals for each company, which can be monitored throughout our investment period. We ask tailored questions about each business and their ESG credentials, understanding how they operate and the impact they have, which allows us to identify potential risks and plan a route to improve or mitigate those risks during our investment horizon.

We are committed to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment

We exclude certain geographies, sectors and activities in line with the PRI

We conduct ESG due diligence as an integral part of our investment proposals

We monitor the ESG performance of our portfolio companies and report to our LPs

We help our portfolio companies to consider and enhance their ESG performance

We recognise that every investment will be at different stages in their ESG journey, and we work with them, encouraging a collegiate approach to sharing best practise and ideas across our portfolio teams.


Carbon offset


Tonnes of carbon offset

MML’s environment

With climate change becoming ever more urgent, we are proud to be taking responsibility for the impact our operations are having. We have partnered with climate and sustainable development experts, Sustainable Advantage, to offset our annual carbon emissions and are committed to working on an ongoing carbon reduction and offset strategy.

MML has been recognised as a CarbonNeutral® company since 2021.


Carbon offset


Tonnes of carbon offset

MML’s environment

With climate change becoming ever more urgent, we are proud to be taking responsibility for the impact our operations are having. We have partnered with climate and sustainable development experts, ClimateCare, to offset our annual carbon emissions and are committed to working on an ongoing carbon reduction and offset strategy. MML has been recognised as a CarbonNeutral® company since 2021.

MML’s diversity & inclusion

At MML, we try to see every angle, and especially like to find angles that others might not see! Which is why we value our diversity so much.

We aim to attract, retain, and promote the best talent from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. We regularly review our recruitment processes to ensure we are meeting a diverse range of candidates, without unconscious-bias. We also place emphasis on knowing our employees on a personal level, learning and understanding their personal situations and supporting their balance between work and home life.


of MML’s employees are female


of MML’s employees are BAME


MML Ireland returns to Feed our Homeless
We were delighted to return to Feed our Homeless for another day of volunteering, this time helping to prepare food parcels, cleaning outreach vans, and preparing for the evening outreach service.

Our community

A charitable ethos is deep routed in our culture, with many of our team pursuing philanthropic activities outside of work. We also look to supplement these contributions with an annual MML Charity Day.

In 2023, we are proud to have supported Feed our Homeless, a charity established in 2017 by co-Founders Tony Walsh and Natasha Morgan in Dublin’s city centre. The charity is dedicated to supporting people affected by homelessness and marginalised by society.

Our whole office came together to spend the day preparing food parcels for families, sorting clothing packs for the evening outreach service, supporting stock rotation in the new storage area in Charlestown and sorting the clothes room. It was a thoroughly rewarding day!

Others offer a fixed perspective.
We create investments made to measure.

MML investor portal logins

For investors in MML Ireland Fund I, MML Ireland Fund II & MML Fund VI

For investors in MML Fund VII